Last evening when I visited my library to return a book little did I know that in return I would be able to grab a copy of the latest book of Preeti Shenoy called Tea for Two and a piece of cake. As mentioned in my earlier post I have loved both her earlier books and was waiting to read this one too. She has an amazing writing style. So finally, I started reading the book last night till my eyes hurt and protested to go to bed...cant wait to get back home and finish it off.
I also love reading Preeti's blog which is aptly called Just a mother of two. She puts up various challenges for her readers to follow and her best was the Ten day Challenge which I did undertake. The latest one she has had is the Tea for Two (and a piece of cake) Tuesdays! I found the following prompt interesting (which is also the last of it) and decided to take it up. So here it goes.....
1. If you had Rs.50,000 to just blow up (you have to spend it on YOURSELF. Giving to Charity or buying gifts for others not allowed), what would you spend it on and why?
Being the person I am, I would have invested it. But since I have to blow it up....would buy shoes, a treadmill, spend it at a spa, buy some clothes or gold...would that all come in Rs. 50,000??? :-)
2. Name three of your closest friends (not family or spouse) and say why you love them.
Kalpesh : For being the person he is and for being able to discuss anything under the sun with him
Santy : For insanely making me laugh whenever I dont feel good or otherwise and for being a really good friend in the true sense.
Pooja and Sarika : All we have to do is make a call and meet up and we are transformed into a crazy group of 3....and then we start behaving like teenagers :-)
Yes I know I have mentioned an extra name but it would be really unfair just to mention one name from both of them.
3. Name three books which have profoundly affected you and which you would recommend to everyone to read.
1. 34 Bubblegums and Candies by Preeti Shenoy
2. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseni
3. Love Story by Erich Segal
4. If you know for certain that you can never ever fail, what would you attempt to do?
Start my own business.....and make lots of money :-)
5. What is THE ONE THING that you want very very badly?
A fab slim, healthy body!!!!! :-)
Well that is about is fun to take up these challenges and I hope Preeti gets us some more of them :-)