Thursday, 22 March 2012

Review : One Amazing Thing

One Amazing Thing....just as the title goes so is the book written by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. I had read The Palace of Illusions by Chitra some time back and I loved it, her writing style completely engulfs you and keeps you engrossed even after you have finished reading the book.

This one is a story of a group of strangers trapped in a visa office after an earthquake. As they find no way out all they have to do is stay put and wait for rescue operations to begin. Until then they have to find ways of surviving and helping each other. Since they know anything can happen...they can either be rescued or they may share their last breath with each other..strangers a while ago...they decide on sharing one amazing thing of their life....and so each one shares a story of their life while the rest patiently hear them out.

Each story is filled with emotions...each character well played. However I wanted a close end. The book ends leaving you to choose how you would like the ending to be....would they survive...or would they take away each others story and travel to another world.

This one is a good read however people who do not like open endings would feel quite frustrated wanting to know what happens to the inmates or the victims trapped in that visa office. But for those who don't care can have a good time weaving their own ending for the book and deciding the fate of the victims.

I liked this one too by Chitra and would definitely recommend it :)

Monday, 19 March 2012

Fun Fridays with a Fun Meme

I wanted my next post to be a review of the book I am currently reading which is absolutely so awesome till now. Will write about it as soon as I finish it. For now I wanted to do something fun and what better way than to answer a few questions framed by someone. I love doing this cause when I think of the answers I always discover something more about myself :)

I read Preeti Shenoy's post where she picked up a meme from Stealing Sundays. I thought of stealing one for me too and I found the below. Though its called "The Not My Year Meme" which I dont think applies to me. I found the questions interesting and decided would get on with it anyway. 

1. Are you in a job that you truly enjoy?
Enjoy - Yes, Truly - ummmm...... next question pls...

2. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?
Something creative...maybe a writer..painter..

3. If you could be a character in a novel who would you be?
I would be Harry Potter so that I could live in a magical world and get all my word done with my wand :)

4. When it comes to spending time with those you love, do you think it should be about quality or quantity?
Quality - that's what makes fond memories :) Let it be quality and quantity will follow....

5. Is there a job/career you wanted but realized you couldn’t possibly do for one reason or another?
So many!!!! I could have been an actor...but there are several reasons why I cant

6. If you could live anywhere in the world or out of this world where would you live?
I couldn't possible think of not living in my city wherever I go I love coming back to my Mumbai.

7. Where would you most like to visit and who with?
Spain with my hubby.

8. Which skill would you like to learn?
Creative writing and painting...oops and of course cooking :)

9. What made you laugh today?
Silly jokes during lunch with my friend Santy...he cracks me up...totally!

10. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Movie with my friends.

11. What is your sign and do you believe in horoscopes etc?
Cancer.....sometimes I do and sometimes I dont.

12. If you could change one thing about your life thus far, what would it be?
Nothing - I believe everything happens for a reason hence would not like to change anything.

13. If there was one charity you could give a huge contribution to, which charity would it be and why?
The is heart breaking to see children who are deprived of parental love and other facilities that they deserve. This is the least I could do for them.

14. Should smoking be legal?

15. What are your views on the smoking ban in public places?
Its great but people sadly dont follow them yet....esp bustops in Mumbai, you could easily find people smoking and spitting away.

16. Why do you blog?
I love to write and this is the most amazing platform to bring out the creativity in you....or maybe discover the the creativity or maybe nurture it.

17. Do you have a favorite author?
For now, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.

18. Can you play any musical instruments?
I can play my iPod....he he he.....sadly I cant.

19. What would your ideal car be?
An SUV :)

20. Describe yourself in one short sentence.
Fun loving girl who loves to read.

21. What do you look for in a spouse/other half?
Lots of love, understanding and trust.

22. Worst meal you’ve had?
It definitely should be something that I cooked :)

23. What do you do to relax in the evening?
Read or listen to music

24. Do you get along with your siblings?
Yes I do.

25. Do you have any regrets?
So many!!!!  If I didn't I would either be a perfectionist or very snobbish person, which thankfully I am not :)

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Short Review : Tea for two and a piece of cake

When I decide to write a review on a book or a place I can do that without much thinking....its just putting down your opinions difficult is that... :)

But today I kept wondering on how should I begin this post. So much is said and written about Preeti Shenoy's 3rd book Tea for two and a piece of cake that I feel there is nothing much more to write or say about.

Its a beautiful story about an average everyday girl and how her world changes completely. I am amazed the way her character has evolved from being a simple girl to a stronger confident person.

I am so thankful that the climax is not predictable and not a typical "hindi movie ending".... I don't want to reveal much and hamper the excitement of those who haven't read this one yet.

But yes, I can say this is a good light read and different from the previous 2 books of Preeti's. The language is simple and the story easy to relate to. So go grab your copy now....and dont forget your cup of tea and a piece if cake :)