Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Book Review : The Secret Wishlist by Preeti Shenoy

Book Summary :

Does true love really exist or is it just a cliche? Can a single kiss really change your life? 

At sixteen, Diksha like any girl her age, finds her life revolving around school, boys and endless hours of fun with her best friend. But one day, all that changes. 

What starts as an innocent crush explodes into something far beyond her control. Eighteen years later, she finds herself at the crossroads of life. Urged by a twist of events, a wish list is born. But can a wish list help her piece back her life together? Will she succumb to the tangled mess of an extramarital relationship? Once again, Preeti Shenoy brings an extraordinary story that tugs at the heartstrings, with insight and wisdom, as she explores the delicate matters of the heart. 

The Secret Wish List is a captivating, engrossing, racy tale about following your heart, chasing your dreams and the meaning of friendship. 

My Review :

An ardent fan of Preeti's work I was delighted to find a copy of this book at my library and jumped to grab it before it was gone. The Secret Wishlist is Preeti Shenoy's fourth book and was a delight to read.

It is about a girl called Diksha who when a teenager was caught kissing her boyfriend and that one incident changed her entire life with her parents taking control of her life and getting her married off at an early age and a boy of their choice. She started living a normal life with no complaints until she was made to realize by her close cousin that she is nothing but a maid to her husband and her son. She is not living her life for herself but for her family. 

Certain events happen which gets Diksha to prepare a wishlist....things that she would want to do. And from there on her life changes completely where even without her knowledge she ignorantly completes each wish written on her list. 

There is a change in the writing style from what I have seen or read in Preeti's previous books. But nevertheless the story is good and I was turning pages to know what next what next and before I knew I had finished the book in just one day! Preeti sells dreams through her books....her stories....dreams that involve alot of love, life and above all hope. Through her stories there is one message I have always derived.....never lose hope! 

Every woman and for that matter every man should read this book. The women cause we at times let people take us for granted and also there needs to be some self searching to be done. Some women get so engrossed in their mundane house-office work they forget what it is to actually live. And all the men so that before they start considering their wife to be just a "housewife" realize that she too is a human who has her own dreams and life.

The Secret Wishlist is a good read and I would rate it a 4 on 5. 


  1. Great review! You've compelled me to read this one! :)

    1. Yes, you should....do let me know if you liked it... :)

  2. Hello Mam, It is only just now that I finished reading 'The Secret Wishlist'. I am in a habit of searching the reviews of the book that I read and here I found your blog when I looked for the reviews on TSW.
    I like Preeti Shenoy's style of writing, simple and yet she never fails to deliver the required emotions to the reader. But this book, was quite a disappointment. I didn't really like the way Sandeep's character is shaped. I wish there was much more edge to it. And It is just a work of fiction, I know. But one thought has left my mind unsettled that how many of married women would actually step out of their respective marriages in India? And if they do how many long lost lovers like Ankit would still be keen to accept his teenage beloved like Diksha with open arms. That's one in thousand cases?
    Overall, the novel doesn't really leave you with anything relevant to think about, in my opinion. Like Her work 'Life is what you make it' does. It was indeed inspirational.
    Also, This book to a great extent has similar elements as that of her previous work 'Tea for two and a piece of cake'. Nothing refreshing really.
    To me it was a disappointment.

    And yes, I just have had a quick look at your blog, looks really interesting to me. So many suggestions! :')
    I am so looking forward to read.

    1. Hi Neha, sorry for replying so late. Thank you for dropping by and I am glad you liked my blog. I have been away from it for a while and there is a list of books that I have read and yet to write a review on it. Will do it soon, your comment has compelled me to do it... :)
      As for the book TSW, yes, I did feel it was a bit similar to Tea for two and a piece of cake. Preeti's best so far has been "Life is what you make it"...that made me an ardent fan of her writing.
      Yes, this book was not that refreshing, nevertheless I liked the message the book gives out. Preeti's writing is simple and to the point.
      About the thought...of how many married women would step out of their marriage..well this totally depends on the mindset and the given circumstance. In today's world I think women are more strong and less submissive as they were in the past (this is quite a topic of debate). And about long lost lovers meeting after a while...well on this you are right...one in a thousand cases or maybe nill...lol...again depends!
      I happened to jump across your blog and I see your last post was in 2011...you should write more, it is a beautiful feeling to pen down your thoughts, isnt it? Take care, be in touch :)

  3. Completed this book today and I am first time reading Preeti's work. Loved your review, but as I already read the book, have to say that the it wasn't great at all.
    I second Neha, as Sandeep's character is so forcefully made just for a reason that Diksha can have an extra marital affair with Ankit. I liked the starting, but later on it felt so boring and Cliche'd.
    Also felt this negativity going on through the book so to feel good I started reading "winning" by Jack Welch. :)
    Anyway I will be awaiting for more reviews from you.

    1. Hi...thanks for your comment!
      Yes, there are many who have found the story not so refreshing and quite cliche'd as you said. And as I said before "Life is what you make it" is the best work of Preeti so far.
      There is a list of books I have finished reading and look forward to post reviews on them soon :)

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